Hi all,
I had sex recently on the 30th December and only had 1 more pill left in my pack so I took it that next morning & then I was starting my break week… I got my withdraw bleed 3 days later does this mean I’m not pregnant?
Dec 10 24 14:14
30th of November you mean? While a heavy bleed is unlikely when you’re pregnant it doesn’t rule anything out. If you use your pills correctly you’re protected at all times.
Dec 10 24 14:19
30th of November yes apologies! I basically wasn’t sure if the 1 pill left in my pack would still protect me as I was starting my break week on Monday the 2nd December! I got my withdraw bleeding on the 4th & started my new pill on the 6th December
Dec 10 24 18:25
@Jmk1234 your protected anywhere in your pill pack, even during breaks- as long as u take pill correctly x
Dec 10 24 18:25
@ilovebirthco Thankyou x
Dec 10 24 18:26
@Jmk1234 if a break caused you to become unprotected it would mean you’d be unprotected 50% of every month, wouldn’t be logical xx