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Jan 20
Hi everyone, I know this is an app for pill users but I thought I’d ask anyway, I was in the pill for 5 years and I came off it in February 2024, since then me and my partner have been trying and no luck, since I came off I have had periods but they have been irregular and no symptoms other than bleeding however, this time round my period is painful like I’ve actually got quite bad cramps, my boobs are sore my appetite has increased just all around the usual pms symptoms and it seems like this is the first proper period I’ve had, I just wanted some advice does this mean that my body is finally getting back to normal after the pill because I heard it can take a year and was wondering if that’s also the reason it might be taking longer to get pregnant Thanks so much
Jan 20
Sorry I mean contraception users not just pill*^
Jan 20
Since its been a year I recommend seeing a doctor for advice on this.
Jan 21
It’s possible that your body has taken this much time to fully adjust to being off the pill, but I would definitely talk to your doctor if you’re trying to get pregnant

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