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Dec 10 24
tw//mental health has anybody been able to successfully find online counseling? i had a counselor at my college, but the program is that they can counsel students for free when they’re getting a masters, and he graduated.. so i lost him. i’m having such severe anxiety, i feel like im going insane. i can’t decide if it’s my actual diagnosed anxiety worsening or emotions worsening because of the pill but omfg yall. i feel like im going to die sometimes. i also have just been so emotional at random points during the day. my boyfriend and i were hanging out and i randomly just got so upset and left and cried the drive home.. then my emotional state makes me MORE anxious. i know i need to talk to somebody but i’m having an absolutely horrific time firing anyone who takes my insurance and i can barely afford to live as is… so i can’t pay out of pocket.
Dec 10 24
Can you find a different student counselor through your college? Here are some other options -If you live near a university or college (even if you don't attend it) they will likely have a graduate training clinic where students who are learning to be therapists will offer free or sliding scale services -Check with your Employee Assistance Program (EAP.) You may be eligible for a limited number of free sessions. -Community centers, hospitals, schools and places of worship sometimes offer free or low-cost counseling and peer support groups.  If you don't know how to find that in your area, call 211, a government hotline that should be able to connect you to community services. I know people also recommend online therapy as an accessible option. I just want to caution about some things I've read about, such as relying on influencer sponsorships, making money for-profit, underpaying therapists and selling your private information to third parties. That said I understand how much easier it can be to access therapy online for some people. Just double-check the credentials of your therapist!
Dec 10 24
@aurielle i could find a different counselor, but i go to a religious college, so a lot of things (mostly sex and anxiety around that) cannot be discussed in a session. and i graduate in 6 months

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