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Jan 15
Do you consider going to a strip club behind your back cheating?
Jan 15
Yes definitely!! Especially if they already knew that I wasn’t okay with it.
Jan 15
@gHostfacelov would you be okay with it if they let you know?
Jan 15
No definitely not! If my partner wants to do that he can be single!
Jan 15
@gHostfacelov Did you guys talk about this already? How did you bring up random boundaries like this?
Jan 15
I’ve just like brought it up randomly to my boyfriend when his friends went to one whilst on holiday, (I was also on holiday in the same area, party destination) I just said that it’s not something I’d be okay with him doing and he said he wouldn’t ever consider it anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. I do however think it’s strange if a man in a relationship has no problem going to these places, or doesn’t expect his s/o to have an issue with it, I don’t know of many women who’d be completely ok with strip clubs
Jan 15
I think it was just randomly brought up when my bf said that even before we were together someone asked him to go and he said no because he’s not interested in going to those places. I said good because I am not okay with him ever going to one. I think if ur boyfriend thinks it’s okay to go to one while with you then you might want to get a new bf.
Jan 15
Define "behind your back"? If you both agreed that strip clubs are out of bounds and he went anyway, then yes. If you never had a conversation about it and he went, then no. 🙋🏾‍♀️woman who is completely fine with her partner going to strip clubs here...apparently I'm rare lol. But we have had an explicit conversation about it.
Jan 15
I don’t really care if he goes, as long as he ONLY looks NO touching or lap dances
Jan 15
I’m not really okay with it but if it’s a bachelor party and his friends are going I think it would be silly of me to prevent him from doing so. I just wouldn’t want him touching anyone.
Jan 16
I’d be fine with it so long as he doesn’t touch, is respectful, and tips well. If you both agreed to not go and he went anyway I can see why you’d be upset. If you never talked about it, though, you’re allowed to feel upset but he didn’t do anything wrong.
Jan 16
Needs to be a conversation first! I don’t even know what brought up ours but we set a boundary that suited both of us. Tbh thankfully my partner is a sweetheart and would have asked me if I was okay with him going if the situation ever arises. Have a conversation though! Since you’re asking this there must be potential of your partner going to it or have already been? Just sit him down and calmly talk to him about your feelings.
Jan 16
My boyfriend and I have had conversations that neither one of us is okay with it, and so if he went it would be crossing a boundary we’ve both agreed to. If we hadn’t talked about it at all and he went then we’d definitely have a conversation about how I consider it a dealbreaker. If he KNEW I’m not okay with it and went, for me it would be a dealbreaker.
Jan 17
not necessarily cheating but a huge problem because we have discussed that i would not be okay with him going to one, he has never said he wanted to go to one
Jan 17
Same as @aurielle, obviously it’s different if your partner goes to them regularly & alone, but with a group of friends and being respectful to the workers, I don’t see an issue

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